Friday 12 February 2016

Valentine's Love from our Pooches!

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, I thought it would be a good time to write about how our furkids communicate love with their owners and families.  To them, Valentine's Day is every day - they love us unconditionally and here's how to tell when they are saying "I Love You".

Leaning or Pressing Against You
When your pooch leans against you, it can have a couple of meanings .... If your dog feels calm and relaxed, this is his version of giving you a hug.  He may do this because he thinks you are upset and wants to comfort you, or it could be just because he wants to show you some love.  If your dog is scared or anxious when he leans against you, it should inform you of his anxiety, and tell you that he trusts you to protect him.  

When a relaxed furkid stares at you, they are visually hugging you.  A hormone called oxytocin is released in them when they do this, which is the same hormone Momma Dogs use to bond with their babies.  Don't force a stare on your pooch, as this could be seen by her as intimidating; instead let it occur naturally and know your pup is just saying "I Love You Mom".  

Ignoring You When You Are About To Leave
If you notice that your pooch starts ignoring you, or goes back to bed before you leave the house, they are not mad at you for leaving - this is a common misconception.  They are just finding their "comfy spot" knowing you are about to go, and fully trust that you will return to them.  This shows that the dog does not suffer from separation anxiety and you have trained your pooch to trust and rely on you.    

Smothering You With Attention When You Come Home
As long as your furkid is not suffering from separation anxiety, if they smother you with attention, kisses, and seem like they just can't get enough of you, they are showing you they missed you and are so happy you're home!  They trusted you were going to return and are now celebrating that trust - they may not be able to tell time, but they know they missed you and want to make sure you know too.  

When your pooch brings you their toys, or sometimes even your own personal items, it doesn't just mean she wants to play, she is sharing something of value to her, with you.  Sharing is a common dog pack behaviour and shows she feels you are part of her pack - hopefully the Alpha!  

Sleeping With You

If your furkid would rather sleep with you than alone, it means he thinks of you as family.  Wolf packs have long slept together out of necessity (to keep warm, stick together to ward off predators, etc) and this has transferred to domesticated breeds as a way of showing love, trust and including you as part of the pack.  

Sitting On Your Feet 
This is a sign of your pup "marking" her territory (she does not have to pee to be considered "marking").  She is declaring you her property to other dogs & people, and projecting an expression of protecting you.  It's really her way of saying "MINE ... Do Not Touch".  If she is expressing anxiety at the time, she could also be looking for you to protect her from whatever is causing the anxiety.  

Comforting You When You Are Upset
Your furkid can almost always sense when you are upset, and they will want to comfort you.  This can show in a number of ways.  They can press their head against yours, bring you objects (sharing), give kisses, or act in any way they feel will relieve your distress.  If you have shown them relief due to a certain behaviour, they will learn to exhibit this when they feel you are sad or suffering.  A recent study showed dogs almost always respond to human tears, they understand this as you being upset, and will do anything they can to comfort you.  

Share this with your friends and family so we can all enjoy knowing when our furkids are saying "I LOVE YOU!"  

Happy Valentine's Day!
~Ash & Pebbles 

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