Wednesday 30 October 2013

Hallowe'en Costumes

With Hallowe'en upon us, I thought it would be a good time to discuss doggy Hallowe'en costumes!

There are three types of costumes for dogs, in my opinion:
1.  Dog-Appropriate (i.e.: your dog does not hate you for putting it on him)
2.  Not-So-Dog-Appropriate, but too funny or cute to pass up (i.e.: your dog hates you a little, but will forgive you)
3. Really-Not-Dog-Appropriate (i.e.: your dog hates you because you made her uncomfortable and embarrassed for an extended period of time)

Here are some examples I found:

Dog Appropriate

This is Charlie The Ladybug - obviously aware of how insanely cute he is and not weighed-down with the costume choice! 

I love this Jockey idea - this is hysterical but not bothersome to the pooch. 

Crayola Pup is adorable and comfy - love it! 

Being that the English Mastiffs are one of the largest breeds that can consume up to 20 cups of food daily, Poop Factory is more than appropriate for this guy! 

Not-So-Dog-Appropriate, but too funny to pass up:

Okay, this guy is a little warm from the wig, but this is TOO funny! 

He's pooped from carrying around all that honey, but Pooh Bear is just adorable! 

While Super-Dog is probably a little restricted, you can't deny this one was worth it! 

We all know he's going to run into every table leg he passes with that handle, but other than that, this is Great! 

Part of me wants to put this in the Really-Not-Dog-Appropriate bunch, but this Oompa Loompa made my day! 


Common People!  Flippers?!?

While this is very cute, she looks like she's been stuffed into this Geisha costume like a sausage! 

PLEASE never put your dog in a full-fur suit! This is not funny and just plain mean. 

On a side note, if you wish to dress your children up as your dog ….. 
Now that's FUNNY! 

~ Ash & Pebbles 


  1. Spotted your write – ups, it’s cool. Very beneficial and interesting there are some ideas I haven’t heard before. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks so much! I'm hoping to have some new and interesting material coming soon!

  2. Thanks so much Lee! Working on new stuff as we speak :)

  3. Hi Leslie - thanks so much for the wonderful comments - I'm going to be sharing more shortly and hope you have a minute to read some more! Thanks again :)

  4. Hi Sarah - thanks so much!! I really appreciate the comments! I know I've been away from blogging for quite a while now and am excited to jump back in - I hope you'll visit the blog again soon. Cheers!
